Sunday, May 14, 2023

A Nobility Of Air...

A Nobility Of Air...

Without air,

Fire cannot burn.

Water cannot rain. 

People can't breathe. 

There is no thought in the brain without oxygen. 

No sunsets nor rainbows. 

No clouds to see shapes in. 

No aurorae. 

Falling stars would never shine, only fall.

This world would be as dead without air as without water.

Nothing would have ever flown, 

Angels would have no need of wings. 

I'm happy to serve with you, my princess and princesses of air. 

It gives me new breath. 


© 05/13/2023 by Daniel A. Stafford 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Sunset Breezes...

The sun may set on another day, but I will reach for the light, despite wicked whispers on the wind; nothing but boughs scraping and leaves rustling. 

- AquarianM