Saturday, March 01, 2025

Paper Pyramids...

Paper Pyramids...

Cardboard and glue,
Colored pencils and geometry,
Steel ruler,
Curious mind,
Where right brain meets left hemisphere,
No stones of ancient Egypt,
This fabrication of necessity.

Like we never wonder,
Will there be anything left,
In five thousand years?

Paper Pyramids must become stone first,
A feat of ✨ magic,
Models of maybe,
Or tired working stiff countertop dreams.

Not the matches,


By Daniel A. Stafford 
© 03-01-2025

I Just Can't...

I Just Can't...

...Listen to the news any more,
Gristle in my teeth,
Sticks in my coughing throat,
Steaming wet airless excitement,
Adrenaline river,
Sandy waters,
Dusty eyes,
Blistered arches,
Itchy @$$,
Techno-update headache,
Flat tires,
Busted rods,
Salamander spit,
Spider-webbed hair,
Split fingernails and lemon juice,
Snake oil for sale on every corner,
Stolen wallet,

Well, that's a bit of the vibe.

All you can do is taste the Blarney Stone,
Or popcorn...

Pull the alarm...


By Daniel A. Stafford
(C) 02-28-2025