Wednesday, March 27, 2024

James Brown Left Town...

James Brown Left Town...

Good gawd, Y'all,
It's the Fall,
Another year over the event horizon,
Haunting voices remind me of the past,
Shattered and broken glass,
The explosion-debris left just after the highest note,
Youth has come and gone,
All the young gods are creaking and gaining weight,
Aches and wrinkles and past glory caught on Youtube,
I thank the Universe for this new quantum entanglement with the past,
Something we can point to as the leaves fall,
As the wrinkled bark of our skin crawls,
While we stare at the cold hard headstones of forgotten idols,
Slow-dying white dwarfs cooling in faded space,
I listen to the ghosts across the electronic spectrum,
"See how glorious we were..."


By: Daniel A. Stafford
(C) 10/14/2011