Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mental Twinkies For Nerds...

Mental Twinkies For Nerds... 

Magazines on glorious glossiuss paper,
In hand at a bookstore coffee shop,
Triple-shot latte and oatmeal-raisin cookie,
Slightly warmed.

Atlantis Rising with everything from alternative energy to ancient Egyptians in the Grand Canyon,
Races of ancient giants and lost pyramids in Eastern Europe.

Nexus with much of the same plus aliens and quantum physics,
Don't forget the occasional dinosaur.

Ancient American with copper mining in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan four thousand years ago,
Hebrew fortresses in down-State Indiana in 50 BC.

Be it biblical mysteries or libraries under the paw of the Sphinx,
Electrical power plants inside the Great Pyramid at Giza,
Or even hints at finding Atlantis,
I am in geeks' Heaven.

The hours are mere minutes,
And I am an arm-chair Indiana Jones in the temple of Caffeine,
The Eterniverse laid bare at my feet.


By: Daniel A. Stafford
© 10/10/2019