Sunday, October 30, 2016

What The Pear Tree Knows...

Post by AquarianM on Apr 18, 2005 at 8:01pm

What The Pear Tree Knows...
A week - maybe three,
Stately and proud covered in white flowers,
Tiny with little yellow centers,
They come in mid-Spring,
Each blossom a small universe of beauty,
Gracing the world in its brief season,
Then to fade away yellowed and withered.

They fall into the Earth never repeated,
Though many like them may follow,
Season after season in what to a blossom,
A semblance of eternity must surely be.

So long as the tree is nurtured,
Given clean rain and plenty of sunlight,
The cool of Fall and the cold of Winter,
No poisons in it's soil or air,
The blossoms will come before the leaves,
Season after season they will grow and fall.

Such is life on the Earth.


By: Daniel A. Stafford
© 04/18/2005