Thursday, June 15, 2017

Frozen Delivery...

Post by AquarianM on Dec 8, 2007 at 12:54am

Frozen Delivery...

Just a child,
Long ago,
A memory,
Of sweet young summer,
Little dark haired girl.
Daddy's girl,
Before there were ice cream trucks,
Horse's bells chased children's ears,
Brick paved streets,
Small midwestern town,
The ice man is coming,
Cut from winter rivers and streams,
Crystal shards the tongs break free,
Shine dripping in sunlight,
Given to a child,
Wood and leather and horses,
Clip clop, clip, clop,
Pet the horsy,
Blessed cool clear ice,
On a sweltering summer day,
No other relief unless water's found,
Not an air conditioner anywhere around,
Frozen fingers in the nineties,
Mom told me about those days,
I guess it's different things,
But kids don't change their basic ways.


By: Daniel A. Stafford
(C) 11/07/2001

Author's Comments

One of Mom's fave childhood memories, I
could picture this so clearly when she was
telling me about it. How men with horse-drawn wagons delivered ice cut from the river in winter on summer days before air conditioners or ice cream men existed in the everyday world.