Silent As A Stone...
I never knew silence,
Could be so blue.
I never knew that nothing,
Would come from you.
Every time I try to speak,
Or to even sing,
You break my tune.
Some kind of instinct,
Some sad power play,
Something I don't quite understand,
What makes you act this way?
I never knew silence,
Could be so blue.
I never knew that nothing,
Would come from you.
Every time I try to speak,
Or to even sing,
You break my tune.
If I wrote you a love poem,
You'd dis that too,
It's something I've already,
Watched you do.
When we're with friends,
You shut me up,
Ask me why,
I don't communicate,
It's so late,
My turn,
Never came up.
I never knew silence,
Could be so blue.
I never knew that nothing,
Would come from you.
Every time I try to speak,
Or to even sing,
You break my tune.
I wonder,
I wonder if,
The Universe,
Maybe put you up to this,
You like to keep me silent,
Silent as a stone,
Inside my head,
Locked up,
And all alone.
I never knew silence,
Could be so blue.
I never knew that nothing,
Would come from you.
Every time I try to speak,
Or to even sing,
You break my tune.
Silent as a stone,
Inside my head and locked up,
All alone.
By: Daniel A. Stafford
(C) 07/23/2017