Sunday, August 16, 2020

While The Finger Was Pointing...

While The Finger Was Pointing... 

I Boomer blamed Millenials,
For their human faults,
I Millennial blamed Boomers,
For their human faults,
Still the sea crept up.

I Liberal blamed Progressives,
For all of my anxieties,
I Progressive blamed the Liberals,
For all of my anxieties,
Still the COVID came.

I Democrat blamed Republicans,
For all that might be or become wrong,
I Republican blamed Democrats,
For all that might be or become wrong,
Still the hurricanes landed.

I Conservative blamed anyone with different ideas and origins,
For every loss I bore,
I Immigrant and Native blamed Conservatives and Whites,
For every loss I bore, 
Still the wildfires burn.

I the future blamed the past,
Still the temperatures creep up,
The seas slowly swell,
Fire tornadoes howl,
Glaciers vanish,
Forests die and deserts grow.

Nature never listens,
While the finger points.


By: Daniel A. Stafford
© 08/16/2020