Sunday, November 05, 2017

The Limbo Docket...

Post by AquarianM on Feb 17, 2011 at 3:21am

The Limbo Docket...

Dream Court in-session,
Call to Chaos,
Whisper the case of wishes,
Lawyers of La-La Land,
Unicorns saddled by dream-dust in sacks of starlight,
Every color or shape,
All sounds and scents,
Tender touch and torture,
Melted duality fills a dream-pot with anything,
Waiting for unbound hearts to paint.

(C) 2/11/2011

"Rembrandt...Sleeping" poem 3.

Words are the mind's bridge - it's connection to the universe.
Love is the heart's bridge - it's connection to all other souls.
Loving words can work miracles.
All of my published poetry is at: