Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Nostalgia Invasion


AuthorDate Entered/ModifiedViews
Daniel A. Stafford6/7/2000 3:25:36 AM
10/3/2020 7:09:15 PM

Nostalgia Invasion

Lifetimes, hard to pass, it was a gas.
Remembering so hard you cry to kiss them goodbye,
The old times. The sweet times.

Can you go back and watch Neil take that small black and white step?
Can you feel the power still of Apollo?

Can you see the cars so huge, a moving refuge?
Can you see cruising the streets, starlight meets?

Can you find a time before bits, to frustrate your wits, with challenge?
Can you see an old friend, looking back to then, and admire their youth?

How can they know, those who now grow, the awesome times they missed?
We must bear witness. We must give fitness, to the time we define.

Extoll the worth. We gave birth, to joyous days, musical ways, and freedoms that let all
that follow be. Remember the days we loved. They are worth every moment they took,
and had a beauty all their own. Carve the memories in stone.

You and I, my friend, we were back then, and now.


By: Daniel A. Stafford

(C) 06/07/2000

Author's Comments

There is a magic, to the decades I grew up in. An innocence that was just before my time. And one that lived in it. I think I'm far from the only one to feel bursts forth in my mind time and again. We sure had a great time to grow up in!

AuthorDate Entered/ModifiedViews
Daniel A. Stafford6/7/2000 3:25:36 AM
10/3/2020 7:09:15 PM
Daniel A.

Total Comments: 1


Suebttfly9@yahoo.com 11:58:08 PM
Yes, it was a great time to grow up in. I think we appreciated life more back then too. Life was simpler. Now, time has to be shared and we find ourselves limited to enjoy and appreciate.