Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Translated Invalid

AuthorDate Entered/ModifiedViews
Daniel A. Stafford6/6/2000 11:43:55 AM
8/21/2020 12:14:13 AM

Translated Invalid

Many days, many ways, you don't hear what I say,
You hear it your own way.

Listening a lost art, isn't it time to start,
before I'm translated invalid?

Hear my prayers, my hopes and dreams,
Tell me what will become of me, it seems.

You know you are, my brightest star.
Without you the heavens become a dull place,
And though I go to the end of the universe,
yes, even so far.

I cannot see without your light, oh, my love,
for the tears of myself and angels has blinded my sight.
I'll see you again, feel your arms, oh yet up above.

Do you know the depths of me, you shall know the
torture it has been to lose your love. Back where I was.

Silent, alone, a voice in the dark.
Oh so hurtfully did I miss the mark.

Perhaps an angel will rescue me, yes oh set my soul quite free,
but that would still fall short of the spark.

I pray for your soul to keep it's lovely light, out there in the dark.
Even though I've been translated invalid.


By: Daniel A. Stafford
(C) 08/21/2000

Author's Comments

Remembering times past.....not all bright, not all dark, but there was certainly quite a spark. Remembrances of sorrows gone before.

AuthorDate Entered/ModifiedViews
Daniel A. Stafford6/6/2000 11:43:55 AM
8/21/2020 12:14:13 AM
Daniel A.